ABCD Antibodies - About us

ABCD Antibodies is a spin-off company of the University of Geneva. It is part of a pioneering comprehensive strategy that promotes the widespread adoption of recombinant antibodies in research: The ABCD initiative (AntiBodies Chemically Defined).
The complete initiative is composed of:
- The Geneva Antibody Facility (GAF) : a public platform created in 2004 by researchers from the University of Geneva. The GAF specializes in antibody discovery using phage-display technology as well as antibody engineering.
- The ABCD Database: a manually curated repository of sequenced antibodies developed by the GAF and the University of Geneva, hosted on the servers of the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. Each antibody deposited is given a unique reference number (ex: ABCD_AA344) based on its sequence, which is the only way to clearly identify an antibody.
The ABCD database now contains more than 26’000 unique antibody sequences. It is the cornerstone of the initiative.
- Antibody Reports: a scientific journal of technical articles reporting antibody characterizations. It has a simple and powerful philosophy: 1 antigen, 1 technique, 1 article.
We believe that proper antibody validation is key in the adoption of recombinant antibodies by the scientific community.
- ABCD Antibodies: In order to serve the growing number of fellow researchers requesting recombinant antibodies, ABCD Antibodies was created in 2022 within the University of Geneva. We are dedicated to the production and distribution of recombinant research antibodies.
Our goal is to give easy access to clearly identified recombinant
antibodies for the research community, at affordable cost.
Our mission is to promote the widespread use of these superior products in the scientific community. The replacement of animal produced antibodies with chemically defined recombinant antibodies will increase reproducibility in the field of Life Sciences.
Here is why you should go recombinant.