antibody manufacturer
Our antibodies are from researchers, for researchers.
Superior Product
Made in Switzerland
Animal-Free Production
Browse our Catalogue
Discover our carefully selected recombinant antibody catalogue and order online. Browse through our various collections of antibodies organized by theme or target species.
We help you find your antibody
Besides our catalogue, our full database contains more than 26’000 antibody sequences. Tell us what you need and we will help you find the perfect recombinant antibody for you.
Follow us in our mission to promote recombinant antibodies in research, for better science.
About us
Learn about our journey and the ABCD initiative: our multi-platform approach to promote the widespread use of recombinant antibodies in research.
Why go recombinant
Here is why the scientific community should massively transition to recombinant antibodies: a superior reagent that don’t require the use of animals during production.