Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Product Name: anti-KDEL antibody - ABCD_AW954


This product does not enter in the list of substances and preparation that require a Safety Data Sheet to be prepared. The following document has been prepared for good practice only. The information provided in this Safety Data Sheet is correct to the best of our knowledge, information and belief at the date of its publication. The information given is designed only as a guidance for safe handling, use, processing, storage, transportation, disposal and release and is not to be considered a warranty or quality specification. The information relates only to the specific material designated and may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials or in any process, unless specified in the text.

SECTION 1: Identification

1.1. Product Identifier: anti-KDEL antibody - ABCD_AW954

1.2. Relevant Identified Uses: Research only. The product is intended to be used as a laboratory reagent.

1.3. Supplier/Manufacturer:

  • ABCD Antibodies SA
  • Address: 21 rue du Mont Blanc, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
  • Email:
  • Phone: +41223795295
  • 1.4. Emergency contact: Tox Info Suisse

  • Website:
  • Phone number:
  • From Switzerland: 145
  • From a foreign country: +41 44 251 51 51

SECTION 2: Hazard(s) Identification

2.1. Classification: Not classified as hazardous according to Swiss regulations.

2.2. Label Elements: N/A

2.3. Hazard Statements: N/A

2.4. Other Hazards: None known

SECTION 3: Composition/Information on Ingredients


  • Non-purified cell supernatant (serum-free medium) from HEK293 suspension cells.
  • Sodium azide (0.02%)

SECTION 4: First Aid Measures

4.1. Description of first aid measures:

  • Inhalation: Move the affected person to fresh air and provide oxygen or artificial respiration if needed. Seek medical attention.
  • Skin Contact: Remove contaminated clothing and wash skin thoroughly with soap and water. If irritation persists, seek medical attention.
  • Eye Contact: Rinse eyes cautiously with water for several minutes. Remove contact lenses if present and easy to do. Continue rinsing. If eye irritation persists, seek medical attention.
  • Ingestion: Rinse mouth and drink plenty of water. Do not induce vomiting. Seek medical attention.

4.2. Most important symptoms and effects, both acute and delayed: Symptoms of allergic reaction may include rash, itching, swelling, trouble breathing, tingling of the hands and feet, dizziness, lightheadedness, chest pain, muscle pain, or flushing

4.3. Indication of any immediate medical attention and special treatment needed: Notes to physician: Treat symptomatically

SECTION 5: Firefighting Measures

Use extinguishing measures that are appropriate to local circumstances and the surrounding environment.

5.1. Suitable Extinguishing Media: Use water, carbon dioxide, dry chemical, or foam to extinguish fires.

5.2. Specific Hazards Arising from the Substance or Mixture: Non-combustible. May release toxic fumes or gases in a fire situation.

5.3. Special Protective Equipment and Precautions for Firefighters: Wear full protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) when approaching or entering a fire area.

SECTION 6: Accidental Release Measures

6.1. Personal Precautions, Protective Equipment, and Emergency Procedures: Wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) as described in Section 8. Avoid generating aerosols. Ventilate the area.

6.2. Environmental precautions: Contain the spill and prevent further release into the environment.

6.3. Methods and Materials for Containment and Cleanup: Absorb the spill with inert materials and collect it in suitable containers for disposal. Clean the affected area with detergent and water.

SECTION 7: Handling and Storage

7.1. Precautions for Safe Handling: Handle in a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Follow good laboratory practices.

7.2. Conditions for Safe Storage: Store in a cool, dry place. Keep container tightly closed. Protect from light and moisture.

7.3. Specific end uses: For research purpose only. Use as a laboratory reagent.

SECTION 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

8.1. Control Parameters: No specific occupational exposure limits have been established for this product.

8.2. Engineering Controls: Use local exhaust ventilation to maintain airborne concentrations below occupational exposure limits.

Personal Protective Equipment:

  • Eye/Face Protection: Wear safety glasses or goggles if there is a risk of splashing or spraying.
  • Skin Protection: Use appropriate protective gloves and clothing to minimize skin contact.
  • Respiratory Protection: In case of inadequate ventilation, wear a suitable respiratory mask.

SECTION 9: Physical and Chemical Properties

9.1. Information on basic physical and chemical properties:

  • Appearance: Liquid
  • Odor: None
  • pH: N/A
  • Melting Point/Freezing Point: N/A
  • Boiling Point/Boiling Range: N/A
  • Flash Point: N/A
  • Evaporation Rate: N/A
  • Flammability: Not flammable
  • Explosion Limits: N/A
  • Vapor Pressure: N/A
  • Vapor Density: N/A
  • Density: N/A
  • Solubility in Water: Miscible

9.2. Other information: No other information available.

SECTION 10: Stability and Reactivity

10.1. Reactivity: No specific reactivity hazards are known.

10.2. Chemical Stability: Stable under normal conditions.

10.3. Possibility of Hazardous Reactions: None known

10.4. Conditions to Avoid: Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures and direct sunlight. Over a period of time, sodium azide may react with copper, lead, brass, or solder in plumbing systems to form an accumulation of the HIGHLY EXPLOSIVE compounds of lead azide & copper azide.

10.5. Incompatible materials: Strong oxidizing agents. Strong acids.

10.6. Hazardous decomposition products: Not known

SECTION 11: Toxicological Information

11.1. Information on Hazard Classes According to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008:

  • Acute Toxicity: No specific data available. However, based on the nature of the product, acute toxicity is expected to be low.
  • Skin Corrosion/Irritation: Not expected to cause skin irritation.
  • Serious Eye Damage/Irritation: Not expected to cause eye irritation.
  • Respiratory or Skin Sensitization: No specific data available. However, based on the nature of the product, sensitization is unlikely.
  • Germ Cell Mutagenicity: Not classified as a germ cell mutagen.
  • Carcinogenicity: Not classified as a carcinogen.
  • Reproductive Toxicity: No specific data available. However, based on the nature of the product, adverse reproductive effects are not anticipated.
  • Specific Target Organ Toxicity (Single and Repeated Exposure): No specific data available. However, based on the composition and intended use, specific target organ toxicity is not expected.
  • Aspiration Hazard: Not classified as an aspiration hazard.
  • Hazardous to the Aquatic Environment (Acute and Chronic): No specific data available. However, based on the composition and intended use, adverse effects on the aquatic environment are not anticipated.

11.2. Information on Other Hazards:

The product contains 0.02% sodium azide, which can react with heavy metals to form potentially explosive metal azides. Avoid contact with heavy metals.

Sodium azide is toxic if ingested or if it comes into contact with skin and eyes. Follow appropriate safety measures for handling sodium azide-containing products. Avoid breathing vapor or mists. Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.

SECTION 12: Ecological Information

12.1. Ecotoxicity: No specific data available. However, sodium azide is known to present toxicity for the environment. Spills in the environment must be avoided.

12.2. Persistence and Degradability: No specific data available.

12.3. Bioaccumulative Potential: No specific data available.

12.4. Mobility in Soil: No specific data available.

12.5. Result of PBT and vPvB assessment: No specific data available.

12.6. Endocrine disrupting propertie: No specific data available.

12.7. Other adverse effects: No specific data available.

SECTION 13: Disposal Considerations

13.1. Disposal Methods: Dispose of in accordance with local regulations. Treat as non-hazardous waste. Do not dispose of into the environment.

SECTION 14: Transport Information

14.1. UN number or ID number: Not regulated

14.2. UN proper shipping name: Not regulated

14.3. Transport hazard classes: Not regulated

14.4. Packing group: Not regulated

14.5. Environmental hazards: None

14.6. Special precautions for the user: None

14.7. Carriage of bulk cargo by sea in accordance with IMO instruments: Not regulated

SECTION 15: Legislation

15.1. Safety, Health, and Environmental Regulations: Comply with all applicable Swiss regulations and guidelines regarding the safe handling, storage, and disposal of chemicals.

This product does not contain Substances of Very High Concern (SVHC).

This product does not contain substances identified in the SEVESO Directive

15.2. Chemical safety assessment : Chemical safety assesment has not been carried out.

SECTION 16: Other Information

Additional Information: This Safety Data Sheet is prepared based on the available data and is in accordance with general guidelines. It may not cover all possible scenarios and uses of the product.

Date of the Last Revision of the SDS: [20th July 2023]